isn't it ironic? (part 2)

Some more things out of place that make me go: What figure of speech is this?!?
  1. In Scrabble tournaments, "shh", "brr", and "grr" are accepted. Hmm...
  2. I've seen traffic enforcers turning a blind eye on motorcycle drivers who do not switch on the headlights and the taillights at night. 
  3. Fish in cages are dying en masse in Taal Lake and in Pangasinan as the summer wanes. Market prices of these fish take a dive.
  4. The ongoing Escherichia coli O104:H4 outbreak in Europe was erroneously attributed to Spanish organic cucumbers. Consumers are warned against eating raw vegetables (particularly tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce) as people are actually dying from hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Salad, anyone?
  5. I can normally remember a lot of details, even those that aren't really that important. However, when I get a relatively strong bump on the head, I don't remember the actual impact. I only remember what I was doing before and then people staring at me after... and the headache, of course. Ouch!


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