my photo is in wikipedia!

Oh boy, receiving an email from a Wikipedia contributor several months ago is one of the exciting points of my "career" as a photography hobbyist. Career with the quotation marks because I couldn't think of a better term. I've always been an enthusiast, but not as serious in the hobby as other people who have turned photography into an income-generating activity. 

So back to Wikipedia...

This contributor had taken a look at my photos in my Flickr account and has selected a photo of the Church Among the Palms that I took during an alumni homecoming. This photo was intended for a Wikipedia entry on UPLB. Of course, I said that I am happily contributing it for the article... I was honoured to have a photo of mine selected.

Then yesterday, I was just reading about the Protestant Movement in the Philippines (as additional reading stemming from writing one of my posts) and then I saw it...

That's my photo!! :)

Here's the link to the article:

To find it, just scroll down until you see the church with the caption:
"UCCP Church Among the Palms"

NOTE: I'm NOT in it. I just took it.


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