at the hot air balloon festival (again)

After having so much fun at the 16th Philippine Hot Air Balloon Festival last year, I decided that I'd drive all the way north again this year. My sister didn't go with me to this year's festival, so I rounded up a few friends to join me on the long drive.

Since this was my second round at it and because my friends were with me, I wasn't able to concentrate on the exhibits and on the demonstrations. But, I did notice the kites, particularly all those kites that were soaring. Inspired by my friend's daughter's attempts at flying a kite, I got myself my own kite (a small, rainbow-colored delta kite) so I could play too. \ (^_^) /

Time flies fast when you're having fun. In my case, I only realized that I had been under the sun for HOURS when the sky started to turn orange! Challenged to get my kite higher in the sky, I had kept trying to catch the perfect wind; when I did, I was so happy... until the kite's string got away too! Embarrassing as it sounds, I chased after my kite across the grass field and the hangar, not minding the other kite flyers and the people going to the different exhibits. With my kite retrieved and its string safely tied up, I made several attempts at kite flying, only to concede that the perfect wind for my kite was already gone.

Suffice it to say, my trip to the hot air balloon festival did not end up as a photo trip, despite my bringing of my camera gear (sans the tripod). Thanks to the hours under the sun, I'm now darker, as if I've been to the beach. And it's not even summer yet!

I'm thinking of going there again next year. Kite flying again? Or back to the exhibition and the air shows? We'll see.


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