my first attempt at slow cooking.

I do mean S-L-O-W.

Some people say that patience is virtue; slow cooking in a crock pot certainly is certainly a test of character... and of hunger.

On Thursday night, I prepared lentil soup using my Kyowa Slow Cooker (KW-2802). I just placed the lentils, the mixture of sauteed onions, celery, tomatoes, and carrots into the crock pot and added some water. Then I added dried basil and dried oregano. Once all ingredients were in, I just placed the lid and put the slow cooker on high. Then I waited.

And waited...

And waited.

Four hours (and an extremely hungry stomach) later, I decided that the lentils must already be cooked. The lentil soup I made definitely did not look like the ones on the internet and was not as thick as the soup Anna and I had tasted in Tapella by Gaudi (Greenbelt 5). My soup was on the watery, bland side as well; I must have added too much water or skipped a step in the recipe.

But the nice thing about the bland lentil soup was that I could really taste the ingredients. I'd just add salt (or Anna, fish sauce) to the soup to get the flavor right. Better that than extremely salty soup, I think. Nevertheless, it made for a hearty meal. Eight meals, in fact.

I guess I need to change the soup's name: it's not lentil soup, really; it's minestrone with lentils. :)


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