passing exams

I passed the PRINCE2 Foundation exam I took last Friday!!

When I got the email announcing that I, and the rest of my classmates did well, I starting skipping all over the place. And passing was really a cause to celebrate: I emptied my calendar of any activity other than the training program, I studied hard for three consecutive nights, and I was really paying attention in class. In short, I felt like I was back in college prepping for the final exams.

No, wait. Feeling like I was back in Microbiology board exam review mode is a better description. That still means, however, that I was reviewing my course materials while watching television shows (as background noise).

The bottom line now is that I passed the test about the theory behind the PRINCE2 project management method (the output). The real test now lies before me and my classmates. The successes of our respective projects will be the realized outcomes and benefits of our passing marks.

Congratulations, classmates!


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