Two lakes, one day. The reprise.

The last time I saw two lakes in one day was when I went to Pandin Lake and hiked to see the view of Yambo Lake . That is, until I went to Switzerland. And on my first afternoon there, no less. After I've checked in the hotel, I caught the train to visit Pogs in Zurich. All I knew then was that it would take about two hours to get there by train from Lausanne. The train ride proved to be a picturesque trip on its own because I saw a bit of the landscape of this side of Switzerland. Plus, I was amazed to hear the language switch from French to Swiss German as the train traveled further north. For instance, I kept hearing the next-stop announcement say prochain arrêt when I was still close to Lausanne Gare; but as the train approached the Zürich Hauptbahnhof, the words became different. Anyway, back to the landscape... For this scenic tour of Switzerland, the first lake I passed by (that I noticed) was Lac de Neuchâtel. It was memorable for me because the train passed by a ...