Beyond the blog
Aside from writing about my thoughts and experiences, I also write scientific articles covering topics in starch chemistry, genetics, molecular biology, food, and culture. These are published in scientific journals.
Here's a list:
- Ynion, J., M. C. Custodio, A. Samaddar, S.K. Mohanty, R. P. Cuevas, A. Ray (Chakravarti), M. Demont. 2021. Survey data on heterogeneity in consumers’ food choice in eastern India. Data in Brief 36: 107148.
- Custodio, M.C., J. Ynion, A. Samaddar, R. P. Cuevas, S.K. Mohanty, A. Ray (Chakravarti), M. Demont. 2021. Unraveling heterogeneity of consumers’ food choice: Implications for nutrition interventions in eastern India. Global Food Security 28: 100497.
- Custodio, M.C., J. Ynion, R. P. Cuevas , A. Samaddar, A. Ray (Chakravarti), S.K. Mohanty, M. Demont. 2020. Expert elicitation database capturing diversity and cultural drivers of food choice and nutritional implications in eastern India. Data in Brief 33: 106330.
- Samaddar, A., R. P. Cuevas, M. C. Custodio, J. Ynion, A. Ray (Chakravarti), S. K. Mohanty, M. Demont. 2020. Capturing diversity and cultural drivers of food choice in Eastern India. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 22: 100249.
- Graham-Acquaah, S., A. Mauromoustakos, R. P. Cuevas, J. T. Manful. 2019. Difference in physicochemical properties of commercial rice from urban markets in West Africa. Journal of Food Science and Technology 57: 1505–1516.
- Demont, M., M. C. Custodio, J. Ynion, A. Samaddar, R. P. Cuevas, A. Ray (Chakravarti), S. K. Mohanty. 2019. What affects households’ food choice in West Bengal? Geography and You 19(24): 26–30.
- Custodio, M. C., R. P. Cuevas, J. Ynion, A. G. Laborte, M. L. Velasco, M. Demont. 2019. Rice quality: How is it defined by consumers, industry, food scientists, and geneticists? Trends in Food Science and Technology 92: 122–137.
- Anacleto, R., S. Badoni, S. Parween, V. M. Butardo, Jr., G. Misra, R. P. Cuevas, M. Kuhlmann, T. P. Trinidad, A. C. Mallillin, C. Acuin, A. R. Bird, M. K. Morell, N. Sreenivasulu. 2018. Integrating a genome‐wide association study with a large‐scale transcriptome analysis to predict genetic regions influencing the glycaemic index and texture in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal 17: 1261–1275.
- Cuevas, R. P., C. J. Domingo, N. Sreenivasulu. 2018. Multivariate-based classification of predicting cooking quality ideotypes in indica germplasm.Rice 11: 56.
- Misra, G., S. Badoni, C. J. Domingo, R. P. Cuevas, C. Llorente, E. G. N. Mbanjo, N. Sreenivasulu. 2018. Deciphering the genetic architecture of cooked rice texture. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 1405.
- Cuevas, R. P., A. de Guia, M. Demont. 2017. Developing a framework of gastronomic systems research to unravel drivers of food choice. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 9: 88–99.
- Cuevas, R. P., V. O. Pede, J. McKinley, O. Velarde, M. Demont. 2016. Rice grain quality and consumer preferences: A case study of two rural towns in the Philippines.PLOS One 11(3): e0150345.
- Custodio, M. C., M. Demont, A. G. Laborte, C. Diaz, J. Ynion, R. Islam,R. P. Cuevas, N. C. Paguirigan. 2016. Rapid Value Chain Assessment and Rice Preferences of Consumers, Farmers, and Other Rice Value Chain Actors in Bangladesh. TRB Report. Los Baños, Philippines: International Rice Research Institute.
- Anacleto, R., R. P. Cuevas, R. Jimenez, C. Llorente, E. Nissila, N. Sreenivasulu. 2015. Prospects of breeding high-quality rice using post-genomic tools. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 128 (8): 1449–1466.
- Sreenivasulu, N., V. M. Butardo, G. Misra, R. P. Cuevas, R. Anacleto, P. B. Kavi Kishor. 2015. Designing climate-resilient rice with ideal grain quality suited for high-temperature stress. Journal of Experimental Botany. 66 (7): 1737–1748.
- Cuevas, R. P., M. Demont. 2015. Rice: An international staple. SansRival 5 (3): 12–13.
- Butardo, V. M., V. D. Daygon, M. L. Colgrave, P. M. Campbell, A. P. Resurreccion, R. P. Cuevas, S. A. Jobling, I. Tetlow, S. Rahman, M. K. Morell, M. A. Fitzgerald. 2012. Biomolecular analysis of starch and starch granule proteins in the high-amylose rice mutant Goami 2. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 60 (46): 11576–11585.
- Boualaphanh, C., M. Calingacion, R. P. Cuevas, D. Jothityangkoon, J. Sanitchon, M. A. Fitzgerald. 2011. Yield and quality of traditional and improved Lao varieties of rice. ScienceAsia 37: 89–97.
- Tran, N. A., V. D. Daygon, A. P. Resurreccion, R. P. Cuevas, H. M. Corpuz, M. A. Fitzgerald. 2011. A single nucleotide polymorphism in the Waxy gene explains a significant component of gel consistency. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 123(4): 519–525.
- Cuevas, R. P., V. D. Daygon, M. K. Morell, R. G. Gilbert, M. A. Fitzgerald. 2010. Using chain-length distributions to diagnose genetic diversity in starch biosynthesis. Carbohydrate Polymers 81(1): 120–127.
- Cuevas, R. P., J. Peate, M. A. Fitzgerald, R. G. Gilbert. 2010. Structural differences between hot-water-soluble and hot-water-insoluble fractions of starch in waxy rice (Oryza sativa L.). Carbohydrate Polymers 81: 524–532.
- Cuevas, R. P., V. D. Daygon, H. M. Corpuz, R. Reinke, D. L. E. Waters, M. A. Fitzgerald. 2010. Melting the secrets of gelatinization temperature. Functional Plant Biology 37(5): 439–447.
- Cuevas, R. P., M. A. Fitzgerald. 2007. Linking starch structure to rice cooking quality. IREC Farmers’ Newsletter 177: 16–17.
- Fukuta, Y., E. Araki, L. Ebron,R. P. Cuevas, D. Mercado-Escueta, G. S. Khush, J. E. Sheehy, H. Tsunematsu, H. Kato. 2006. Identification of low tiller gene in two rice varieties, Aikawa 1 and Shuho of rice (Oryza sativa L.). JIRCAS Working Rep. 46: 86– 92.
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