La Cocina de Tita Moning signing off.

La Cocina de Tita Moning, the restaurant that started me off on my food journey and the place I first visited with Manuel, was closing down because the family who owns the place was selling the property off. I thought that I should visit it one last time, preferably with the people who have joined me in trying out new restaurants every year.

And so I found myself back at the Legarda Mansion with Man, Ate Bing, Ate Mary, and Pogs. As always, the food was so good and we were received very warmly by the mansion's majordoma, Tita Tining.

And just like all the other times I've been there, I was given a tour of the mansion. Seeing how the alta sociedad spent their free times never got old. Because while I do get the luxury of having hobbies, I feel that my time is split between my indoor hobbies (like colouring books) and chores (if I actually get the time to do my chores). On the other hand, the owners of the mansion, back in the day, could fill their free time with lots of hobbies because they have household help for the chores. Anyway, I am not in a stage where I can actually afford household staff so I'm leaving it at that.

As we were leaving the restaurant, it hit me: I wouldn't be able to go here anymore for my dream party on the patio. I couldn't go bring tourists (my relatives mostly) there to link history and food anymore. I couldn't enjoy eating on antique plates using antique flatware and cutlery anymore. I'm going to miss this place. 



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