behind the scenes of the Mel & Joey taping

Coloured rice varieties, among other nutritious food, are featured in tonight's episode of Mel & Joey . Aired on GMA-7 (8:30 pm, GMT+8), the Iba Ito segment, produced by Lemuel Lorca, explores why some people choose enliven their rice consumption with black, red, and brown rice grains. The segment producer, staff, and crew visited IRRI to shoot the feature on coloured rices. Here are some photos from the segment taping. rice samples being prepared closing in on paddy rice dory and fe on cooking rice final briefing before the camera rolled ... and, action! liz, after prepping the cooked rice display ferdie watches the interview liz, fe, and dara watching the interview cooked rice on camera crystal eating the red rice ferdie demonstrating dehulling of paddy grains