on hallowed ground

No, it's not All Souls' Day , though the sky looked forlorn that afternoon. Cindy, Kuya Ferdie, and I had attended Kuya Dennis' daughter's seventh birthday party in Rizal, Laguna. Since the way back home would lead us to a a tourist spot, we took the opportunity to stop at Nagcarlan, Laguna's famous Underground Cemetery. The last time I'd been there before this side trip was when I was in grade school, so I can't really remember what it looked like... or if I had taken note of the church's features or was so engrossed with the creepy stories being told. Anyway, during this trip, we were lucky that we were the only tourists taking a look. The guide at the church's doorway had no one to talk with and so we were able to interview him about the Underground Cemetery and the church. pathway leading to the Underground Cemetery's chapel inside the Underground Cemetery compound It felt peaceful here: to walk along the brick path and ...