Watersports 101

This is me, channeling my inner Po. Yes, there is a level zero, Master Shifu.


Can you swim well?
I can swim to survive on the deep end but not to compete at any level. 

Are you sporty?
I run at a slow pace. Does that count?

Have you used skateboards or have you done sports that involve gliding?
No. I used to rollerblade and I've been on the ice skating rink a few times. Never on a surfboard, a wakeboard, or a skateboard.

Are you regular or goofy?
I foresee being pushed a fourth time to establish whether I'm regular or goofy.


I was with friends at the Caliraya Lake to learn how to wakeboard from Master Shifu himself, Matty.  After being giving instructions on how to get our feet into the wakeboard's shoes and then to stand on the board while in the water (many of which, I realize, depends on gut feel... just like riding a bike), we were sent into the water one at a time.

I was not successful on this first attempt because I kept doing something wrong as I started standing on the water... I kept falling head first into the lake (while stuck on the wakeboard). Then, there was a point when I got detached from the wakeboard itself! I also fell twice into the lake on sharp turns while riding the Kick Flip (hanging on to dear life, more like it). It is no Pool of Sacred Tears, thank goodness! However, I did drink too much of the Caliraya Lake water. 

Anyway, in between turns at the Kick Flip (the yellow inflatable mattress) and at the wakeboard, I grabbed the opportunity to take photos (as always, when I'm idle). 


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