Animal photography, winter 2017–2018 edition
Since the Hanuman langur incident (in which I spotted the monkey but only had my iPhone 6 with me), each time I go outdoors, I bring my Canon Powershot SX720 HS just in case I find myself an opportunity to take photos of animals. For my trip this winter, I had a bit of a chance to take photos of a few animals. I didn't go out too much because I got hit by bronchitis ; a shame, really, because I wanted to go outdoors before I had to go back to my daily grind. There were wild animals in this collection but most have learned to live in proximity to humans. Anyway, here are some of the animals I encountered along the way... I'm always confused whether the black bird I see is a raven or a crow . Same thing happened when I found this black bird up on a lamp post one afternoon in Concord. Based on it's size, I'm willing to bet that it is a crow. There are many of them roosting in the trees in the city. With the grey skies of winter, these birds just add ...