Mother's Day 2020

This year, I join the ranks of women who are mothers. It's the first time that I have received "Happy Mother's Day" greetings from friends and family. All thanks to the little one who I gave birth to in mid-April.

"Talk to the hand, Mom!"

But because Mother's Day this year and my son's birthday were three weeks apart, I haven't had the chance to grow into the role of mom just yet... I still don't feel like the title. So far, I feel like I'm an automated and very exhausted feeding-burping-diaper changing machine, which goes into action upon the cues from the little one. However, each time the little one smiles or giggles (in his sleep; the conscious ones will start coming in another month), I feel very happy; it's true what they say: seeing your child smile is worth all the sleepless nights and the exhaustion. I'll take the sleeping gummy grin anytime.


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