The books I've read in 2020

Because I don't get to go out so much, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, I have more time to read books. Yes, the baby's arrival has not stopped me from being a (digital) bookworm; most of my recently purchased books are in Kindle format. I've turned into a couch potato as well, but that's a different story altogether.

Last year was all about conducting literature reviews; web scraping through thousands of abstracts to reading scientific publications about Indian cuisine. In contrast, the better part of 2020 has officially become the year of parenting books. 

Each book has a different take on what it takes to be a good parent. Some espouse the use of extinction methods for sleep training; others present more gentle approaches to help babies sleep. Some books encourage parents to hold their babies close as much as they can; others recommend observing babies from a distance out of respect to their individuality. I am finding my own parenting style while reading these books: I have permitted myself to cherry-pick (an extremely rare occasion, if I may add) what I think is applicable for me and my son.


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