Something to be cheerful about this week (just like these two stiltmen at the IRRI ANIbersaryo, 2009)... After prolonged agony, two papers I've been working on have been accepted for publication! Please watch out for these articles (2010): Cuevas, RP, VD Daygon, HM Corpuz, L Nora, RF Reinke, DLE Waters, MA Fitzgerald. (in press). Melting the secrets of gelatinisation temperature . Functional Plant Biology. Accepted 29 January 2010. Cuevas, RP, VD Daygon, MK Morell, RG Gilbert, MA Fitzgerald. Using chain-length distributions to diagnose genetic diversity in starch biosynthesis . Carbohydrate Polymers. (doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2010.02.004) Accepted 03 February 2010. Please click on the title to see the abstract. These abstracts are in the "Papers in Press" section of the journals' websites and will be removed once these are assigned an issue and page numbers. On to paper #3!!